Diet diary and Gratitude Chart Downloads

Please find below example diet diary and gratitude diary you can use to help keep you conscious of what is happening in your day.

Why would you want to record a diet diary? To see where intolerances are, where yo might be missing necessary food groups- its not just a weight loss tool.

A gratitude diary helps you check in with yourself to see how you are feeing on a day to day basis. This can be helpful if you don’t journal or meditate to really help start the process of listeing to you inner wisdom and your body. How are you actually feeling? And why are you feeling that way- do you know? Or are you going around reacting all day and upset without figuring out why and what you need to sit and give to yourself to address it.

For example : I break the plate by dropping it while I make my breakfast which annoys me to clean it up but I do it, then I stub my toe as i’m rushing to work and yell at the dog for being in my way, I spill my coffee on my work top meaning I have to sit in a stained wet shirt all day as I couln’t get it out completely in the sink. I’m distracted and annoyed at everyone today and I feel like it’s just because I had a bad start to my day and it continued. Or did it? Why was I really annoyed all day. Was it the plate first thing breaking that set my tone? If I sat and felt it through and thought about it. Those little things wouldn’t bother me if i was in a good head space, if my resilience cup was full. So why did I let it continue that way for the day. I was really annoyed by conversation that didn’t go my way. I didn’t want to hear what was said and it was ruminating in the background of my mind. And since that conversation I didn’t sleep well and I keep carrying that story around with me and seeing everything since then as an annoyance. But really it was i was annoyed at what was said, hurt, feeling like I wasn’t seen or valued, frustrated I let it get to this point and I’m taking that out in my day to day with these little moments. By meditating, journaling or having some sort of reflecting process to tune into yourself you can get to the route and give yourself or your inner child what it needs in that moment to not carry the story all day. To create a better story and refocus on what you want and not what you don’t want.